3 Must-Read Articles for Understanding New Dietary Guidelines
Every five years the U.S. federal government releases new Dietary Guidelines that help shape the meals of individuals, families, schools, and restaurants throughout the country. At Food Literacy Center, we encourage our kids to be healthy food adventurers and encourage their families to do the same. When they learn to swap fabulous jelly for fruit in a sandwich, they are limiting their sugar intake by making a healthier choice. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, people who cook meals at home consume fewer calories and more nutrients. Get started with some of our delicious recipes!
Here are three helpful articles that summarize these new Dietary Guidelines:
2015 Dietary Guidelines at Long Last by Marion Nestle
Marion Nestle is a Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health Professor at NYU who previously served at senior nutrition policy advisor in the Department of Health and Human Services. Check out her article that summarizes the Guidelines, but criticizes their political limitations.
5 Best Things About the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans by Janet Helm
Janet Helm is a writer, registered dietitian, and nutrition communications consultant who was the media spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Her blog includes an easy to follow visual summary of the most important recommendations of the Nutritional Guidelines.
Misguided Dietary Guidelines? by Danielle Nierenberg and Emily Nink
Danielle Nierenberg has spoken at hundreds of major events around the world and is the founder of Food Tank, a non-profit that is focused on building a global community of safe, healthy, and nourished eaters. Read this article to see why Food Tank experts don’t fully support the focus of the Dietary Guidelines.
Even though the Dietary Guidelines aren’t fully accepted by food science professionals, the key recommendations they make are easily attainable. Check out our article here for 5 easy way to start eating healthier today!