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Fun Food Games for Kids: Create their own My Plate

Make eating fruits and vegetables fun for kids by playing games about healthy food with them!

We’ve compiled several California Food Literacy Center-approved games for you to play with your kids. The kids we teach love it when games are incorporated into their learning! They remember more food facts and are more receptive to trying new fruits and vegetables!

Create their own My Plate

First, you can show your kids what the new My Plate encompasses by accessing an online learning tool created by Nourish Interactive.

Chef Solus will explain what goes into each part of the plate and why they are important to our bodies (especially growing bodies!). After learning about My Plate, go to the kitchen and have your kids create their own plates with all the information they have learned. You can help them identify the various components: grains, dairy, protein, vegetables, and fruits, and how much of each item should go on the plate.

Additionally, you can ask your kids to draw on a paper plate the kinds of foods they think should go on it following the My Plate guidelines. They can also create their own collage by pasting pictures of food (cut out from magazines by an adult or an older child) on a paper plate.

Article by Heather Teoh