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Goji Berries

Goji berries or wolfberries are delicate bright orange-red berries grown in the Himalayan valleys of China, Mongolia and Tibet.  These berries are featured in traditional Chinese medicine to cure various ailments and also used in various Asian dishes including soups and stews.

According to Web MD, goji berries are filled with powerful antioxidants and compounds that may help prevent cancer, boost the immune system, and lower cholesterol. In fact, TLC Cookingreports that one serving of goji berries has more vitamin C than an orange, more beta carotene than a carrot, and more iron than steak! They also are a good source of vitamins A and B, and potassium.

However, Web MD states that people who are taking warfar (a blood thinner) or diabetes and blood pressure drugs ought to avoid eating goji berries as they may interact negatively with these drugs.

In the United States, health food and specialty stores sell dried goji berries, teas, juices, and granola cereals with goji berries.

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