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Robert Egger

Sn 1, Episode 8: Robert Egger
An Orignal Kale Raiser

In this episode we speak with Robert Egger, an original nonprofit kale raiser. He has started multiple nonprofits in his career, including DC Central Kitchen and LA Kitchen. He flips the script on what solving hunger looks like. His work is responsible for feeding seniors, giving jobs to the homeless, and training the formerly incarcerated–all in an effort to improve our food system. He describes a visit from President Obama, where formerly incarcerated culinary trainees were giving the President instructions in the kitchen. 

Sn 1, Episode 8: Promo

Ready for more? Check out resources from today’s guest.

Robert Egger: Instagram // Twitter // Website

DC Central Kitchen: Instagram // Website

Order the new Food Anatomy Activities for Kids book mentioned in the episode.

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