Amiah’s Story
Only 14% of Americans eat the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables each day. As a result, childhood obesity and malnutrition rates are at an all-time high.
I’m counting on your help to stop this disease. Please donate. It costs just $4.11 to teach food literacy to one child each week. How many elementary kids can you help?
Amiah loves food literacy! We’ve spent the last two years preventing childhood obesity by teaching her our weekly curriculum at a low-income K-5th grade school in Oak Park. She learned to eat her veggies (her favorite is the sweet potato), to cook them and to understand why they’re nutritious for her body.
Amiah didn’t always eat her vegetables. Her mom works the graveyard shift, so Amiah is responsible for making dinner for herself and her little brother. Amiah is in second grade. She’s not even allowed to boil water, so she normally eats dry ramen noodles for dinner because she can’t cook.
We taught Amiah how to make a peanut butter and fruit sandwich. She likes to add raisins to hers. No cooking or chopping required, and she gets plenty of fiber, vitamins and protein. She also likes to add bananas or apples when there’s an adult to help her chop.
Help us teach low-income kids like Amiah how to make themselves healthy snacks on a budget. A donation of $53.43 will pay for one child to attend our entire 13-week program. She’ll try a new fruit or vegetable every week, learn to make her own healthy snacks, and learn about nutrition.
Our goal is to raise $30,000 by 2014. We need to raise $14,000 more to reach that goal. That’s enough to move into five more schools!
Can you help one child like Amiah today with a donation of $53.43? Thanks for helping us win the battle against childhood obesity and malnutrition!