Triple Turnip THANKS!
Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for and would like to acknowledge everyone who has helped us cultivate food literacy in our communities.
A giant THANK YOU with a side of veggie smiles to:
- Our kids at Capitol Heights Academy for being such brave eaters and awesome food literacy students.
- Our Food Literacy Advocates for teaching food literacy in your communities and logging more than 700 hours of volunteer work!
- Our volunteers who have tirelessly helped us in countless events and in the classroom. You rock!
- The talented chefs in the Sacramento region for lending your support, time and effort in helping us promote food literacy.
- The teachers and staff at Capitol Heights Academy for helping us in the classroom and reinforcing our food literacy lessons with the kids.
- Sacramento Public Library system for inviting us to bring food literacy fun into 28 libraries throughout the county!
- The politicians, local and statewide, who have made a commitment to declaring September “Food Literacy Month!”
- Our board of directors, who have provided the strong leadership necessary to expand our program, reaching 2,400 kids a year!
- Our nonprofit partners, such as Soil Born Farms and Sacramento Food Bank, who help feed our kids fresh, local produce.
- YOU! You have made our work possible and we thank you from the bottom of our artichoke hearts!
We are grateful for all the support we have received from our friends throughout the region and we need your help to reach even more kids. We’re aiming to teach in 5 new schools by January to reach 500 more kid–but we can’t do it without funding. Title I schools cannot afford to pay us for our work. We need YOUR support to serve more children.
Between now and December 31, help us raise $26,715. It costs us $4.11 per child per week to deliver food literacy education for FREE to local schools. Please make a donation today to bring food literacy education to EVERY school.
Thank you again for all your support. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!
Article by Heather Teoh